Sara Gronfeld
"Thanks for working with us to list that truck so quickly! The transaction went very smoothly and I had a bunch of people call with questions about it so I know lots of folks were looking at it. We would definitely consider selling again with one of your online auctions."
Traverse County/SWCD
Roland E Viger
"Realizing we had a short period of time, you literally took charge, meeting all deadlines… I appreciate all the work you put into manually arranging the items, making everything ‘sale ready’… Thanks again for conducting a well organized auction. I most certainly would recommend your services to others."
Fergus Falls, MN, Restaurant Liquidation
Jim Mclaughlin
"Our professional skill sets compliment each other and we work together with an understanding that only twin brothers can have. It brings a very unique dynamic to the auction process. Two minds working individually but constantly working together to produce outstanding results."
Owner, Mclaughlin Auctions LLC
Randy & Kathy McCarthy
"We would highly recommend McLaughlin Auctioneers for any auction you may be considering them for. They are professionals who do an excellent job for their sellers."
Grand Rapids, MN, Real Estate Auction
Randy & Kathy McCarthy
"We were first acquainted with Jim and Dave McLaughlin and McLaughlin Auctioneers when they conducted a personal property auction for Kathy’s parents in August of 1994."
Grand Rapids, MN, Real Estate Auction